1:14 pm
October 27, 2015
Hi All,
My group and I are currently doing a project which requires the transmission of wireless ECG signal to labview. The components which we decided to use complete the task are:
2 x Xbee (Zigbee S1) modules,
1 x Arduino uno
1 Xbee module attached to the Arduino had been programmed with Arduino. However, due to our lack of understanding of how Arduino functions, we are unsure if the coding for the interface is valid for transmitting the Analog ECG signal wirelessly to the other Xbee module connected (USB cable) to the computer and later displayed onto waveform using labview.
The coding used is as follow:
#include "LabVIEWInterface.h"
int dato =0; const int analogInPin = A0; int sensorValue = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin (9600); } void loop() { sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin); Serial.println(sensorValue); delay(1); checkForCommand(); { dato = analogRead(0); String cadena ="S0>"; String cadena1 = cadena + dato; Serial.println (cadena1); delay (10);
} if(acqMode==1) { sampleContinously(); } }
Attached were the labview which we have constructed, but we are unclear which works for the coding as stated earlier in the post. We hope to get some enlightenment. Thank you.
8:40 pm
March 12, 2015
I think you are posting to the wrong forum. This is for the Arduino Compatible Compiler for LabVIEW, which compiles native LabVIEW code to Arduino. The code above looks like it is for the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA). See here.
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