8:07 pm
January 30, 2020
I have the Arduino UNO programmed to read Encoder position via the count variable
I found out that the Arduino UNO Microcontroller stops running once LabVIEW closes or re-OPENS the VISA Serial COM Port. I can see this by looking at the returned Encoder counter value re-initializing each time I close and re-open the COM Port from the LabVIEW PC monitoring program.
Is there a way to have Arduino UNO continue to run and write to the Serial Port even if there is no listener or connection on the other end? This way Arduino UNO can run dedicated and send updated sensor status info when requested. In my case I can see that the Arduino UNO still has LEDS blinking after I turn off and close the Serial Port in LabVIEW software. But Somehow the program re-initializes after I open the port at a later time.
Note that for the case of Encoder counts, rebooting means that the Encoder position is lost and gets reset to 0.
9:05 pm
March 12, 2015
This is expected. It is a function of the Arduino hardware. serial connection pulls reset low to allow for programming. Otherwise you would have to manually reset the micro precisely when you download code to it. You can read more about it here. If you cut a trace you can prevent it but then you have to manually reset every time you program.
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