8:12 pm

September 24, 2015

In the I2C Master/Slave examples:
The (Slave) serial monitor shows the Loop count incrementing by 2: 0, 2, 4, etc. A little debugging shows the Master is incrementing as expected (on each loop), but the serial stream from the Slave vi is skipping every other transmission. It appears every other interrupt is ‘missed’, as the serial monitor message rate is twice the loop rate of the master.
What am I missing here?
9:02 pm

September 24, 2015

3:19 am

March 12, 2015

Ok Jim. Found the issue. There is a small error on the I2C Master.vi example. There should be a True constant wired to the "Send Stop" input of the I2C Write function (it has been left unwired). If left unwired, the default will actually be false, and the bus will never be released until the start of the next transmission, hence is skips every other reception on the slave side. Simply wire up a True constant as seen here:
We will make sure to add this to the example in the next release.
Thanks for pointing this out.
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