2:21 am
September 24, 2015
3:08 am
March 12, 2015
I didn't look at your code (I dont have LV2015 setup yet on a VM), but from the error Im guessing you have an input (control) wired to the connector pane of the Callback where it shouldn't. Take a look at the context help. It says the callback VI should not take in any parameters (unlike Attach Receive Interrupt). This is in line with the Arduino function call here.
4:43 pm
September 24, 2015
4:17 am
March 12, 2015
Thanks Jim.
I looked into this one and it appears there is an issue in how the Attach Request Interrupt is interpreted. I created Issue #126 for this. It may be a few weeks before another release. There may be a workaround through the use of a user library in the meantime to implement the callback handling properly. If I have some time in the next few days I will see if I can try it out and can send it to you if it works.
4:13 pm
September 24, 2015
I’d say don’t worry about it Steffan … the loop-back work was to get ready for reading the BME280. The master code seems to be working as it runs and reads (trash, since the slave is not running). I’ll modify it to address the registers and try reading from the ‘real’ board.
Unless you find something you want me to try, I’m happy waiting for the fix in the next release.
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