6:50 pm
May 27, 2015
I have a "little" problem with my LCD-Dispay (no output).
It's like the saintsmart LCD2004-adapter Board with PCF8574(P)
When i tried to run I2C - 2 Line Example (the adress and dataline configuration is adopted to my adapterboard) i've no output on LCD and no Output on SCL/SDA-Lines. I tried the I2C - Master Example and SCL/SDA-Output is ok. I tried all LCD-Example but no output on SCL/SDA.
Then I testet the LCD with the Arduino-IDE and the LCD is working nice (with LiquidCrystal_I2C.h -> F Malpartida's NewLiquidCrystal library)
Now I need some help to run the LCD with Labview
7:07 pm
March 12, 2015
Only the Sainsmart LCD2004's have officially been tested. However, if the interface is the same then it may work. Did you make sure you have the I2C address set correctly for this display? When you say there is no SCL/SDA output are you actually looking at it on a scope? Can you post your modified VI?
7:37 pm
May 27, 2015
The I2C adress is correct (64/40hex) is use the adress also in the Arduino-IDE it was ok. Yes I looking the SCL/SDA on a scope. The VI is attached, ignore the LCD referenz "1"
I think that i can see SCL/SDA without LCD-Module like the I2C-Master Example ...
I use Ardunio 1.6.4 and Arduino Compiler / LV2014SP1
8:02 pm
March 12, 2015
You have switched around some of the LCD pins in this example such as EN, R/W, RS, etc. Can you zip your Arduino code and library you are using that works and post? Again, this is not a supported LCD so there may not be much I can do without physically having the hardware. But if you give me the Arduino code that seems to work I can take a look for you.
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