6:41 pm
July 3, 2019
I installed drivers and libraries for seeeduino XAIO. [It didn't work]
I did that on a Win-7 and a Win-10 desktop PC
Since then none of my pixel strip/string Xmas light programs run properly.
Now the only color I get is green, no error messages.
Re-installs of the Arduino IDE [v 1.8.9] haven't fixed the problem.
I have a copy of the compiler on my Win 10 notebook PC [I haven't
installed the seeeduino stuff on that machine] and the Xmas light
programs load properly from that machine.
I can't seem to find the cause of the problem or a fix.
Any thoughts on a solution?
4:40 am
July 3, 2019
First off, sorry for the typo in the Topic title should read "pixel STRIP color"
The strips/strings are WS2811.
I've run the light programs on Mega, Uno, Nano, and Every boards with
no problems... until I installed the seeeduino XIAO board/library/drivers
[Note: compiler download to the XIAO seem to have bricked the XIAO (long story) ]
Thus far all attempts to walk this back have failed.
I'm looking for suggestions for a path back to normal.
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