3:23 pm
August 4, 2015
Hi viwoi,
you can take look on my library for ESP8266, there is VI 'SoftAP Config' (folder Wifi Functions -> Underhood functions -> SoftAP Config) and you have to find it in translator. Or you can take look for MatrixMath library, it is using double array to compute matrices.
Basically, when you set type of input/output terminal as array, you are working same way with it like with other types terminal, so in translator if you want to access third element of it you have to write:
%s[2] = some value; //in C/C++ array starts at index 0 so third value has index 2
Now let's say that you want to create array with some values and return it as output:
%s = LVOneDimArray( number of elements, initial value);
So here is link for these VI packages:
I am doing there some extra things in my libraries (retype input array, ...) so I hope that you will not loose there.
4:38 pm
March 19, 2015
Hello Lubomir,
thank you for the description and code.
Actually, I intended to port the library for the CAN-bus-shield from seeedstudio (written in C++).
Since C++ porting didn't work (trying to create an object failed), I tried to write my own native functions, which are using an array as parameter (in & output) and implement them
I will have a look on your comment " %s = LVOneDimArray( number of elements, initial value);" in the future. Hope to be successfull.
Thanks again
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