5:16 am

April 17, 2016

Me too!
It shows up in the Compiler's menu when you add it to the Arduino IDE. So I'm hopeful. I've ordered one (they are a bit pricey, especially when you consider the Raspberry Pi 3!) and will be giving it a whirl. It should arrive here within a week, and I'll report back on this thread. I'm particularly anxious to see if it lives up to its promise of supporting many Uno-compatible shields, the Digilent Analog Shield in particular.
6:21 pm

April 17, 2016

Good news, I've found that most of my VIs compile with the Edison selected as a target. So I'm optimistic that most things will go well when my first Edison board is delivered to my playpen in a few days.
Hot tip: Newegg.com has a particularly good price right now, with a free wall wart power supply thrown in. http://www.newegg.com/Product/.....6813121814
The Edison still strikes me as costly for today's market, though. But if its speed screams enough I might retract that opinion!
The one incompatibility I've discovered so far is that there's not (yet?) a timer-attached interrupt subVI for this target. The Attach Timer1 Interrupt.vi for AVR targets and the Attach Due Timer Interrupt.vi for the Due won't compile if the Edison is selected as the target. Let's hope a suitable timer-attached interrupt can come for the Edison before long... that looks like a really powerful platform. Intel is resourcing its maker-market and IoT entries decently so far. Let's hope that continues in the wake of their current downsizing.
Meanwhile, ARM is certainly not holding still, and in the Google Groups thread regarding the Due's obsolescence at Arduino.cc (though it is still supported/maintained in the IDE, and available by 3rd parties for the moment), Massimo Banzi comments several times on some sort of improved successor that's in the works: https://groups.google.com/a/ar.....EKecd0qhS4
I hope he hurries!
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