4:50 am
March 10, 2015
There are several things to check here. One common problem is using the error wires as inputs to the case selector of a case statement. Error wire usage will not compile aside from using them for dataflow in and out of SubVIs. User numeric datatypes for errors if needed.
Another common issue is using primitives and structures from outside the Arduino Compatible Compiler for LabVIEW palette located in the Addons sub-palette. This contains all the allowed primitives so it’s important to only use primitives and structures that are part of it. Specifically, the Stacked Sequence Structure is NOT supported. Use a flat sequence structure instead.
There may also be issues if your Operating System is set to a language other than English and you are using text with foreign characters in case statement structures. The characters cannot be translated. To work around this, you can switch your OS language settings to English.
If all else fails, please press Send Error Report so that we can use the report to investigate further and continue to enhance the Compiler in future releases. If you do this and cannot resolve the issue on your own, you can contact us directly at support@geverywhere.com to get individual support on your issue.
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